May, May, May I?


First, may we just say...the Spring TOSSing! What a sweet time of celebration! We are so proud of our student’s creative endeavors this term! Thanks so much to the Carolinas HealthCare System for hosting us! You can watch a short clip of the event and an interview with TOSSteach, Kathryn Ervin here:


On May 17, 2018 Carolinas HealthCare System Blue Ridge held their second Arts in Medicine Celebration. This video features an interview with Kathryn Ervin, Co-Director of TOSS arts advocacy studio in Morganton, NC, who helps lead the Arts in Medicine Initiative - a partnership with Blue Ridge to showcase the student's art in a high-profile public setting.

Our Spring term has come to an end and we just want to send LOTS of love to all our students. You guys keep us coming back. 

And......we moved! After very SLOWLY announcing this transition, it is now behind us! TOSS has relocated to 222 W Union Street for the summer. The studio space we previously occupied became unavailable and while we have a great setup for the summer, we are still looking for a classroom for the Fall. Let us know if you have any leads. 


And now for studio updates from the TOSS teachers: Hannah, along with looking glamorous for Brandon Thrower's new marketing venture, White Blaze, has been cultivating her love for botanicals through some printmaking projects. Kirksey's collaboration with Cageless Birds has come to fruition (YAYAY!) and Kathryn has made about 1 million graphic elements for a screen-printing project she is about to complete! What an insane month! 

Stay Tuned For More On....

Jordan Winiski

We want to say a warm welcome to Jordan Winiski, our summer intern extraordinaire! Jordan comes to us from Greenville, SC, where she is studying sustainability and art at Furman University. Along with volunteering at Art Bomb and Greenville Center for Creative Arts Jordan has demonstrated her passion and enthusiasm for the arts through her making practice. The recipient of the Winthrop University’s Dean Portfolio Scholarship (Fall 2016) and a participant in South Carolina's Congressional Art Show (2014, 2016), we are so excited to have Jordan's creative genius with us this summer! Check out her portfolio here and be sure to check in for updates on her projects. 

Lance Turner


We have the privilege of collaborating with Lance Turner on a mural project this summer! We could not be more stoked! Lance is an incredible creative, with roots in Morganton, but currently based in Tennessee. Accepting his MFA in Painting from the Savannah College of Art and Design, he has exhibited all over the country, most recently in the Snap to Grid exhibition in Los Angeles. Awarded a fellowship at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson, VT, he is community focused. We are so thankful he is excited about our mission and vision for Burke County. Check out his portfolio of work here. 

Below you can see some progress shots of a recent mural he designed and painted for Artfields, in Lake City, SC. 

Watch two new murals come to life, just ahead of ArtFields 2018!


And last but not least, thanks are due to all those who helped us move last weekend! We have successful moved our many Many items (with only a few casualties along the way). Our everlasting thanks to Michael Lowther, Luke Ervin, Christy Truitt and her gang, Brandon Thrower, Michael Griffin, the extremely strong Melinda, David Ervin and his sidekick Robbin, Elizabeth Williams, and of course Hannah Thrower, and Kirksey Lowther. We could NOT have done it without you guys!!!




Marpril. That's right. March and April. Combined.

Greetings from TOSS! 

We are happy to bring you a few updates from our studio and snapshots of the creations happening on College Street, by both our students and our artists! But first a few announcements. 

The Spring TOSSing

This end-of-the-year event will be hosted by our friends at the Carolina HealthCare System on Thursday, May 17th. Student work, craft stations, really yummy food, and of course the most creative kids in Morganton. You won't want to miss it. We will have fliers at the studio if you care to take one home. 

Summer Camp

For the last two years, TOSS has hosted a joint summer camp program with our partners at the Burke Arts Council. However, this year, the BAC will be taking the lead. Stay posted for information and registration which will be made available on their website. Feel free to reach out to them with any inquiries: (828) 433-7282

TOSS on College Street

Last month we were informed that the Burke County Public School System will be renovating the building we have been renting on College street for the future use of their central offices. While this transition has dramatically effected our ability to offer summer programing, we hope to find a suitable location to begin hosting classes in the Fall. 


k-1: In addition to our regular programing for k-1, we have recently had the honor of hosting a field trip for Morganton Day School in which we created an illustration in order to tell a story. We also got to host a birthday party for a very special little lady. As always, our Monday class is fearless and curious, ready to tackle any new challenge. 

2-3: This Tuesday class has become increasingly experimental in it quest to understand the different mediums of art. We try encaustics, paper-making, making paper cups with plaster molds, painting with stencils, painting with pipe cleaners, painting with paint, making shapes with wire, making extremely scary sculptures with paper-clay that never quite dries correctly... Once we tried screenprinting and recently we glazed our ceramic mugs. And thankfully that is all. For now. 

4-5: This group has made a number of fabulous contour-line portraits using the process of monoprinting. Along with ceramic slab-building, painting, and general shinanigans, this class is having tons of fun. Possibly too much fun if we are all honest.  

6-8: Highlights include the successful completion of our slab-build ceramic letters, experimental techniques in clay, and forays into the design of our own projects for the Spring show.

9-12: The intrepid progression of the high school students in their personal projects has been inspiring! As concerted efforts are applied to understand materials and methods, drawing and painting alone have given us plenty to think about.  

TOSSAiRs: Amidst many activities, Kirksey, Hannah, and Kathryn are continuing their making practices. Kirksey, has been working on commissions for Cageless Birds and others. Hannah continues to make incredible ceramic pieces for Tanawha Adventures, and Kathryn has been solidifying designs for upcoming installation work. Check out and follow along on their instagram accounts: @kirksey.lowther @hannahgthrower @kathervin

Fini February!


Here is a little peek into our month of art making at TOSS!

Kindergarten-First grade: We have recently stepped into the world of texture through the mediums of sewing, ceramics, and encaustics.



Second-Third: With elements and principles of design on our mind, we create miniature worlds in the style of dioramas to express the many types of lines we see around us. This class has also been dabbling a little in encaustic art- who can resist!

Fourth - Fifth: Art is a risky business. It's important to learn how to take a step into the unknown. Doing that in a safe environment, such as the art classroom is incredibly beneficial for a student. Simple things like adding color, layers, pushing a piece of art just a little further when you think you are finished.... it's all a part of creating, problem solving, and risk taking.

We've  got nothing but love for Morganton on this year's Valentines Day! Watch this sweet video made with a printmaking technique learned by the 4-5th graders.

Sixth-Eighth: What is more rewarding (or intimidating) than learning to draw! As we have finished up our ceramic project, this month we have been tackling the art of the still-life! Our middle school group has been so focused and we are really proud of them!

Speaking of how proud we are...Woohoo!!! McKenna Carver won a Silver Key through the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards this year! Her painting, Tossing, also won the Governor's Student Excellence Award. We were so proud to be there with her family and Kara Jones, her art teacher from Morganton Day School, to recognize her achievement! Way to go McKenna!

Ninth-twelfth: With focused projects ranging from mixed media, drawing, and oil painting, this group is zeroing in on the unique area of interest.

TOSSAiR: In preparation for our Spring TOSSing, the TOSSAiR's have been busy in their studios painting, weaving, and working with ceramics. Here are some progress shots!

TOSSneighbor: Western North Carolina Workers' Center

There are incredible organizations working in the College Street building! One (right down the hall from us) is the Western North Carolina Workers' Center. They develop leadership among workers in our area through organizing and education to resolve issues of labor rights and promote fair working conditions in Western North Carolina. The two organizers we see on a daily basis are Juan and Bacilio. A big part of their programing is around issues of workplace health and safety, wage theft, and woman fighting injustice.

One of their most recent victories was in organizing the testimonials of poultry workers in this area and garnering the support of 100,000 allies prompting the US Department of Agriculture to rejected the poultry industry's petition to increase line speed in their factories. This will have a direct effect on workers in our area.

Check out the narrative developed by Oxfam America called Lives on the Line. It illustrates the issues taking place in our very own neighborhoods.

Images are taken from the WNCWC facebook page, accessed here



We are so so grateful for the love and support we receive from each of you. If you woud like to here about ways to get involved or volunteer with our students, we would love to make that happen.

A special thanks as always to the BAC for their support, and for the new table for highschool room. We are spreading out! To our friends over at the Resource Warehouse for their donations of materials: Thank you. We. Love. Art. Supplies. Also, thanks are always due to the Burke County Public School System for their ongoing logistical/spacial support. We so enjoy our space on College Street and are so thankful to Bob Accord for always being a willing aid.

But guys, sorry: Melinda Davis and Samuel Kuehnert are still our favorites. Thank you both for lending a hand and being such a fun part of Thursday!!

Thank you all so much for helping to support our little school of artists! We are so thankful to you!

January Jubilee


We are back at it folks.

Kindergarten-First grade

Second-Third grade

Fourth - Fifth grade

Sixth-Eighth grade

Ninth-twelfth grade


Along with facilitating our weekly TOSSafter studio sessions, the TOSSAiRs (Artist's in Residency) are hard at work generating creativity in their studios. Here is a little more info on these ladies.

Kirksey Lowther


Kirksey co-founded TOSS in 2015. She graduated from Appalachian State University with a Arts Education degree. Her current AiR focus is on weaving and painting. She is also a full time mom (incase you didn't know she is a busy lady).

Which would you rather: eat a crayon or lick a dirty TOSS paintbrush? I'd lick a paintbrush.

What master artist are you most inspired by? Gustav Klimt and Henri Matisse

Where is the most extreme or unusual place you have created art? On the back porch of a family's house in Thialand amidst much laundry.

If you had to eat only one meal for a year what would it be? Chicken pot pie.



Hannah Thrower


Hannah joined TOSS in 2016 as a studio director and AiR. She graduated from Appalachian State University with a Arts Education degree; her current focus is on ceramics and printmaking.

Which would you rather: eat a crayon or lick a dirty TOSS paintbrush? I'd eat a crayon.

What master artist are you most inspired by? John Singer Sargent

Where is the most extreme or unusual place you have created art? Grace Village, Ethiopia. I taught art for a week to children in an orphanage as well as partnering with them to painting a sign for their village.

If you had to eat only one meal for a year what would it be? Steak, potatoes, and broccoli...well seasoned.

Follow Kirksey on instagram, here.


Stills from an animation in collaboration with Courtney Marie Andrews  for her song, Woman of Many Colors. View the video here.

Kathryn Ervin



Kathryn co-founded TOSS in 2015. She graduated from East Carolina University with a Studio Arts degree; her current focus is on site specific art and storytelling.

Which would you rather: eat a crayon or lick a dirty TOSS paintbrush? What! Neither. Who made up these questions?!

What master artist are you most inspired by? The cave painters of Lascaux.

Where is the most extreme or unusual place you have created art? One time I made a glass house in an abandoned lot in a tiny Southern town called Lake City.

If you had to eat only one meal for a year what would it be? Oatmeal. Just oatmeal.



You can follow her on instagram here or view her website here.

Meet our Neighbor!


Nysie Hurst rolls up her sleeves as she gets down to business in her new studio on College Street! Nysie is a mixed media artist who often works with TOSS on various projects (most recently bookbinding with our middle school students). She will be using her new studio to perfect her paper making techniques, work on paintings, and develop community art collaborations with TOSS and beyond! We are so glad to have her as a neighbor! 


A special thanks as always to the BAC for their support. We are also SO excited for the awesome paper making frames that John Ferguson has made and donated to our middle school class. WHAT! THANK YOU JOHN!

Melinda Davis and Samuel Kuehnert. We love you. Thank you guys for making Thursday the best day of the week.

And Now November


November has been a month of exploration. As our students hone their skills we collectively develop a language of design. Harnessing the creative process through exploration allows us to make discoveries (and mistakes) awaking our everyday potential. Check out a few examples of how our students do just that.

Kindergarten-First grade

How does one transform a mental image into a two-dimensional form... then bring it into three dimensional space? Our first graders can tell you a bit about that in the making of sculptures which emphesize line and shape.


There is nothing as agonizing as a multi-step project...or wonderful: Layers of paint are like layers of thought. We are impressed with our students for executing projects which require extended attention with layer after layer, design and redesign. 

Fourth - Fifth

Abstract art is sometimes equated with haphazard. The synthesis of orchestrated abstraction is what you will find 4th and 5th graders learning as they carefully plot their weavings.


Middle schoolers take techniques, such as drawing with one or two point perspective, to TASK. Here, everyone raises an eyebrow when Hannah says, "Now, use this principle to draw a wild animal and its house."


Sometimes we don't know the destination until we have arrived. This is often the case when we explore new mediums or set about breaking a preconceived idea. Whether we are making art about dreams employing color theory, creating a volcanic mirage of color with glue, or starting our career as illustrators (just saying, Jaylen), we are excited to be on the journey.


At TOSS, one of our goals is to give artists opportunities to make alongside students in the form of an Artist in Residency program (AiR). We see the beauty of this model as we work alongside the students, develop our own making practices and share our experiences with the broader community through community collaborations or TOSSafterhours classes. This month we have been doing just that: Hannah shared a new medium she has been exploring, hosting a macrame class. Kathryn began investigating a few avenues of figurative interpretation. ahm... and doing other stuff.


A special thanks to the Burke Arts Council for their support. We are also so so thankful to Melinda Davis and Samuel Kuehnert for their help in the studio. We love seeing them every week!

Featured Partner

TOSS, building.jpg

Burke County Literacy Council is a non-profit organization committed to helping adults in our community learn to read and/or improve their literacy skills. In addition to adult reading classes, the Council has classes to train parents in how to better help their children in school. In addition, the Council offers English classes for those wanting to learn the language. They also train volunteers to tutor adults who need help with reading. All training, classes and materials are free, and you are invited to join the classes at any time.

This fall TOSS has been hosting weaving workshops for those participating in Project FLOWER. This is a program that we will continue into the Spring. We are so thrilled to be partnership with the BLC!

We love our College Street studio and part of that is having great neighbors doing incredible work in Burke County. For the next few months we are going to highlight a partner that we have had the privileged to work with, starting with our neighbors in the Old Junior High School.


Programs include:

One on One Adult is private and confidential tutoring.
Reach Out and Read is a partnership with Mountain View Pediatrics to provide free books to children at each well check visit from ages 0-5.
Motheread/Fatheread teaches parents how to help their children learn.
Project FLOWER is for adults who do not speak English.
Project Citizenship is for immigrants who need help to prepare for the INS (citizenship) test.


Thank you for all your love and support! We couldn't do it without you. Come see us in a few weeks at the Snowball TOSSing!

winter TOSSb.jpg

An Ode to October

With each day feeling more blustery than the last, TOSSafter students have been hunkering down. We are stretching our minds, considering new approaches to art-making. We are learning new skills in order to bring our imagination to life. Check out what the TOSSafter students have been learning and the teachers, too!


Kindergarten-First grade


Fourth - Fifth




Hannah, Kirksey, and Kathryn are staying busy: We have enjoyed our collaboration with Project FLOWER sponsored by the Burke Literacy Council, supporting the Burke Arts Council at the October Oyster Outing, working on weaving commissions, designing TOSSafterhours classes, and participating in conversations about the integration of education and art with others at AiR Serenbe in Atlanta. To hear about more about any of our projects or collaborations, drop us a line!


We are so so grateful for the love and support we receive from each of you. If you woud like to here about ways to get involved or volunteer with our students, we would love to make that happen.

A special thanks as always to the BAC for their support, and to our generous sponsors who are helping to build our scholarship fund: Grace Episcopal Church, Sherry Lindquist, Sevan and Keri Topjian.

Thanks are also due to Elizabeth Gould, Elizabeth Williams, and Lucille Hartman for their generous donations this month. We are so grateful for more yarn, paint, and drawing materials!

Would we really be able to get anything done without Melinda Davis and Samuel Kuehnert helping on Thursday? Unlikely. Thank you guys for lending a hand and being such a fun part of that day.

Thank you all so much for helping to support our little school of artists! We are so thankful to you! Happy Fall ya'll.



Engineering Imagination

Greetings from our College Street studio!

A new term as begun for our TOSSafter students! There is still room in our k-1 and 2-3 grade classes. Register here, today! Interested in sponsoring a student to attend our studio? Find out more here.


September has kicked our year of art-making into high gear. This fall, we are focusing on two themes: Engineering our imagination and personalizing our creative expression. Stay tuned to hear more about how we are accomplishing this. In the meantime, enjoy a few progress shots of our studio hour below!

TOSS Teachers

KIrksey Lowther has been the most creative team member thus far this year, giving birth to her second son, Peter Merrifield Lowther! Congratulations Lowther family! This has hardly kept her from making other art creations, you can follow her on instagram @kirksey.lowther. We miss her in the studio, but are so excited about this new member of the family!

Hannah Thrower, amid leading our 4-12 grade classes, has started her school year teaching art at New Dimensions, participated in downtown Morganton's Tour d' Art, hosted a printing class at OSuzannah's, AND just bought a house with her husband, Brandon. She is awesome!

Kathryn Ervin, back from her residency in Maryland, is jumping back in as TOSS' k-3 teacher. She started her graduate studies through Fuller Seminary this fall and is working with a non-profit consultant, Grady Powell, in Greenville, SC, on a community engagement project. She has been really enjoying a collaboration with the Burke Literacy Council leading a weaving workshop for the participants of Project Flower.


As always, thanks is due to the Burke Arts Council for their love and support!

We would like to say a special thanks to Burke Primary Care, Don and Susan Haugen, and Dotty Ervin for sponsoring TOSSafter students this term. Thank you so much for making creative opportunities available for everyone!

Thanks is also due to Teresa Reep, and Dan and Cindy Kuehnert for their generous donations this month. We love our new shelves!

A shout out to our fierce volunteers, Melinda Davis and Samuel Kuehnert. Thank you guys for all your help!


Many thanks and much love!

The TOSS team


World of 3-D

First week of SUMMER ART CAMP!! It was a blast! Here are some pics!!!